Sophists, he can abdicate his intelligence by denying and negating both his own existence and that of the universe.
Thus, all the truths of belief and Islam, basing their matters on the grandeur and sublimity which are their requirement, deliver themselves from the awesome absurdities, the fearsome superstitions, and the tenebrous ignorance of unbelief that confront them, and take up their place in sound hearts and straight intellects, through utmost submission and assent.
The constant proclamation of this grandeur and sublimity in the call to prayer, in the prayers themselves and in most of the rites of Islam,
— all these show that grandeur and sublimity constitute a necessary veil.
Muslim, Birr, 136; Abu Da’ud, Libas, 25; Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 16; Musnad, ii, 248, 376, 414, 427, 442; iv, 416; Ibn Hibban, Sahih, i, 272; vii, 473; al-Hindi, Kanz al-‘Ummal, iii, 534.
The famous supplication revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which, consisting of the Divine Names, is related to possess many merits. [Tr.]